Today in South Africa we honour the brave souls who fought for equality and freedom. On this day in 1976 a peaceful protest of students was met with police violence and the loss of many lives.
Locally known as Soweto Day, students were revolting against Afrikaans being used as language for tuition. Although this public holiday remembers a dark day in our country's history, all we can do is learn from it and hold it up as a torch to light our way forward.
At The Travel Cafe our favourite way of diving into the bright, complex, sad and beautiful history of Soweto is by bicycle, and our guests love how immersive that experience is. Visiting a township while travelling through SA (through a safe, culturally sensitive and empowering tour) is highly recommended.
Did you know Soweto is home to the only street in the world that once was home to two Nobel Peace Prize Winners: Nelson Mandela, and Desmond Tutu. #HumanRightsDay2021 #Soweto #nelsonmandela #DesmondTutu