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Blog Post

Never Take Water For Granted

Francois Lebrun • 19 August 2019

Cape Town's dams are filled to bursting! Two years ago our beloved hometown suffered a serious freak drought, and the media beamed the depressing images of empty dams across the world and talked of "day zero" when our taps would run dry 💧

We are happy to tell you that after amazing rainfall (and our rainy season isn't even over yet), our dams are looking better than ever. Some of them are even overflowing! Of course you won't read this on the front page of your local newspap er - we get it, the media faaaaar prefers negative news - but we just had to share this happy turn of events with you. And we hope you will help us share it with the rest of the world 😀 .

Never again will we take water for granted 💦🚿 , and the good water-saving habits we adopted during the drought will continue. There is no denying that globally our water supply is under tremendous strain and we all need to do our part. But know this: Cape Town has plenty of water to welcome all the beautiful people from across the world to our shores! ☀😎 🇿🇦✈

Hope to see you here soon 🙂

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