This was François when he first heard that South Africa's president is opening our country's borders to the world! Everybody is now welcome to visit - no matter your colour or creed, you just have to pass a tiny Covid test beforehand. That's all
We were thrilled when SA's borders first opened early October after a very long and strict lockdown, but annoyed by the complicated "red-list" of countries that weren't allowed entry because they were deemed too high risk.
The new approach starting from today, is much fairer in our opinion. It is linked to individual behaviour, rather than discriminating against an entire country. Then again, in South Africa we know a thing or two about blanket discrimination
When we recently travelled along the Garden Route and rest of the country, we were very impressed how local businesses are following strict hygiene protocols. That in addition to other prevention methods will help ensure everybody visiting us will be kept as safe as possible.
Well done Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa, SATSA and Tourism Business Council of South Africa. You've done us proud. #southafricaistravelready
To whet your appetite...visit our itineraries to Southern and Eastern Africa and get in touch to prepare your well deserved 2021 post-covidcation!