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Blog Post

Level 3 Bonus

JD Van Zyl • 1 June 2020

Today we at The Travel Cafe, like the rest of South Africa are feeling tremendously hopeful for the future as we enter the next stage of deconfinement after our strict lockdown.

After what feels like forever (in actuality 2 months and 4 days to be precise), South Africa has finally moved to the next stage today - Level 3. A major bonus of Level 3 is that we can again go for long walks and runs in our beloved Table Mountain National Park, which we've missed like crazy! A seco nd huge advantage is that business travel is allowed under Level 3, so airlines and hotels can start operating again (with the required safety measures in place of course). We look forward to general travel resuming very soon :-)

The SA Government introduced a 5-Level system in April based on the country's infection rate and ability to cope with Covid19 infections. In the system, Level 5 = complete lockdown and Level 0 = no lockdown whatsoever. We moved to Level 4 on 1st May, and now SA moved down to Level 3. Woohoo!!!!

PS: The real reason why everybody is feeling hopeful, however, is because SA can from today again buy alcohol, after that was prohibited under Level 5 and 4 🍻

# TableMountainNationalPark

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